Blackened by the smoke and the distance still left to go
fortunate for the findings cause sometimes they come too late.
Not today.
The calm after the storm like everything is still to devastated to move. So we sit in the awkward silence of grief and disbelief.
Here now are the days that my head rests easy.
Trying to remember the words to describe a smile or that light feeling like I am the one finally laughing.
Harder than you think.............. expressing joy.
Been living off that misery I have built,
self loathing a bit of pity and a whole lot of "what the fuck"
and I wont count the days depression sets in and don't ask me about the cravings.
The sun is breaking the walls that were built in the darkness of no moon
here the heat drys any wet dreams,
no temptations to feed on.
so fuck the wine give me bottles of life.
Its all the same we find the things we can live off of
like living in the moment and dying in the result.