Sunday, July 4, 2010

Burn in a better way

Its all so short
only making it half way through
nothing more than a marking place
but there is credibility at the half.
everyone pays what they owe eventually

Who wants to measure my eyes when no one else dares to see through them

A distorted point of view
as no one listens to my actions
I feel the chiseling effect slowing as the down comforter signifies all the safety nets that now surround me.

Fear does funny things in people
and when I fail it seems a lot of people fail like they are standing on my edge trying to make sure that I don't slip and when I go we all go.

That is not my fault.

I hold on but only to the rhythm of life even when I cant keep the beat it still rattles on my tongue and bounces through my veins.

People come and people go.
I understood that along time ago

So I go in directions that I cant compass and become a first hand witness to people who become materials themselves.....

To be...

and than forgotten.

Its the cause of the highly improbable.

Inpromtu but my biggest problem now is you.

and you look my direction for answers,
when I cant sit through the day with the patience it takes to see the sun and the moon.
to much to consume.

Been to long sense my last step backwards but you're to good to hurt.

So right now when the fate comes calling I'm going to live for myself even with a conscience that's heavy with other peoples agendas.