This is a poem that was shared to me a long time ago by two dear friends. One whom I still talk to the other I have no Idea if she is even still alive. I do not know the Author but I will put it in quotation marks for respect purpose.
"Did you tackle the trouble that came your way, with a resolute heart and cheerful
or hide your face from the light of day with a craven soul and fearful.
Oh a troubles a ton or a troubles an once or a trouble is what you make of it.
It isn't the fact that your hurt that counts but only how did you take it
so your beaten to earth, well, well whats that.
Come up with a smiling face.
Its nothing against you to fall down flat but to lie there that's disgrace
the harder your thrown the harder you'll bounce.
Be proud of your blackened eye
it isnt the fact that your beat that counts its how did you fight and why
an though your be done to earth
what than,
if you battled the best you could, if you played your part in the world of men
why the critic call it good.
Death comes with a crawl or comes with a pounce and whether hes slow or spry
it isn't the fact that your dead that counts
but only how did you die?"